Shamanic Weapons

Shamanic Weapons are designed to wage battle with our shadows. These weapons attack the psychological demons that urge us into external battle. We face our shadow selves with a warrior’s stance, willing to take on the most terrifying aspects of our human nature. Armed with the weapon appropriate for a specific battle, we are fearless and invincible, and we stand with others who wrestle the same demons. In wielding these weapons, we realize that all battles are projections of inner unrest, and we slay the illusion of separation.

Each Weapon has a specific battle to fight. The Fierce Club is a brutal weapon is used to terrify the reptilian brain, that part of the psyche that is conditioned to fight or flight. Fierce Club gives us the ability to stand and face challenges with courage and grace. The urge toward violence and retreat is transformed into luminous insight, and the warrior is instantly calm, rational, and clear minded. She is free to move in her surroundings without threat. The Psychic Shield, is a full body shield that protects the warrior from negative messaging centered around gender, race, and class. The shield is devised as protection, but it can cut, slice, and pierce an attacker when used with skillful means.

And so on.